Webepreneur Photo Gallery Instructions

Webepreneur® Photo Gallery Instructions

All Premium versions of Webepreneur® websites have been equipped with an awesome new photo gallery feature. The system is really easy to use and there a nice set of instructions below for you to follow along. The "Gallery" system is very robust and has a ton of features outside of the main features, most of which you will have no use for but are there if you need them. Let’s get started!

Logging into Gallery

You will log into your gallery by clicking on the ‘Photo Gallery’ link on your website and then clicking on the ‘Gallery Login’ link at the bottom of the page. A login page will come up and you will log in using the same user name and password as you use to log in to the dashboard of your Webepreneur website.

Adding an Album

1. Right when you log into your gallery you will see the gallery dashboard. Click on the ‘Add an Album’ link in the sidebar. NEVER click on the ‘Add a Photo’ link in the middle of the page. Instructions to fix this mistake are further down the page. ☺

2. Fill in the following fields. Some are optional and some are needed. (denoted *)

  • *Name: Type in the LOWERCASE name of your album. If it is a puppies album, type in ‘puppies’. This will create the link to the album.
  • *Title: Type in the TITLE of the gallery. If it is a puppies album, type in ‘Puppies’. This will be the Title that is displayed on the page.
  • *Summary: Type a short summary of the album
  • Keywords: Not required but these keywords are seen by search engines so keywords will definitely help!
  • Description: Not required but looks nice and adds more content. Type a longer description of your gallery.
3. This will bring you to a page to set up more options for your gallery. Your gallery is already set up with awesome default settings so DO NOT change these.

4. Your Album has now been added!

Adding a Photo

1. Navigate to the main Gallery dashboard page.

2. You want to always be sure that you are adding a photo to an album. Otherwise, you will have random photos scattered throughout your gallery.

3. Find the Album that you wish to add a photo to. Click on the ‘no thumbnail’ in the gray box of the gallery. This will bring you to a page that has a ‘Add a Photo’ link in the middle of the page. Click on this link.

4. There are Multiple ways to add a Photo:
  • From Web Browser: You can add a photo that is on your computer. Just click on the Browse button and find the photo. Insert a caption if you would like or you can leave this blank. You can add more than 1 photo by going down and use the same process again for another photo. If you need more boxes, click on ‘More Upload Boxes’. IMPORTANT: Set titles from Caption. Uncheck Summary and Decription. Make sure the ‘Create thumbnails now’ is checked. Then Click ‘Add Items’ and you’re done!
  • From Web Page: Enter any URL into the page and click ‘Find Files’. On the next page, check the photos that you want. Uncheck the Title. Make sure that the ‘Create thumbnails now’ is checked. Click ‘Add URLs’.
5. These are the two main ways to upload a photo that you will use. All the other options are pretty specialized and you will seldom need them.

6. Now you’ve uploaded a photo!

Editing Your Main Album

The gallery dashboard is actually considered an album, with all the other albums as sub-albums. To edit the main album, click on the Edit Album link in the sidebar of the main gallery dashboard.

1. You are only going to want to edit the General settings under the General tab.

2. Here you can change all the gallery information such as Title, Summary, or Description.

3. You can also edit the gallery date.

4. Never hide the main gallery.

5. You can also set up Password Protection by entering a username and password (not recommended).

6. Custom Thumbnail – Not used.

7. Save your setting. Repeat if needed!

Editing Albums (Sub-Albums)

First, find the album that you want to edit. In the pull-down below the album thumbnail, select ‘Edit Album’.

1. You are only going to want to edit the General settings under the General tab.

2. Here you can change all the album information such as Title, Summary, or Description.

3. You can also edit the gallery date.

4. Thumbnail – Never change.

5. Never hide the main gallery.

6. You can also set up Password Protection by entering a username and password (not recommended).

7. Custom Thumbnail – Select a pic from your computer that will be used as the main gallery photo. By default, the thumbnail will be a random pic found within the gallery.

8. Save your setting. Repeat if needed!

Editing Photos

Find the photo that you want to edit. Once the photo is found, click on the ‘Edit Photo’ button in the Sidebar.

1. You are only going to want to edit the General settings under the General tab.

2. Here you can change all the photo information such as Name (URL – Always remember to keep the .jpg or .gif), Title, Summary, or Description.

3. You can also edit the gallery date.

4. Thumbnail – Never change.

5. You can also set up Password Protection by entering a username and password (not recommended).

6. Custom Thumbnail – Never Change.

7. Save your setting. Repeat if needed! If you are feeling brave, you can edit the other settings up top in the tabs (Modify Photo, Crop Thumbnail, etc.) but you may have to re-upload it if you make a mistake.

Moving Photos

You may need to move photos from one album to another. First, find the photo that you want to move. Once the photo is found, click on the ‘Move Photo’ button in the Sidebar.

1. A list of all the photos in the album will appear. Check all the photos that you want to move.

2. Change the destination to the desired album. (Album must already be created)

3. Click ‘Move’.

Knowledge Base

If you have any other questions, the Gallery has a great knowledge base that you can find at http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery1:FAQ.


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